Jul 24, 2018

A Time for Creating Wellness

Where can you find a relaxed atmosphere to create and enjoy breathtaking art? Right here! The American Theatre hosts a Creating Wellness series every year to offer the community a chance to mix mindfulness with art mediums. 

The Mystical Arts of Tibet (August 9-12)

The Mystical Arts of Tibet.pngis a free program offered to the public that allows guests to expand their cultural understanding by experiencing the creation of sand mandalas by Tibetan monks. With activities throughout the weekend, guests of all ages can come together to see the beautiful, painstaking detail that goes into a sacred mandala, with each grain of sand individually placed in an ornate arrangement.


SoulCollage - eblast.jpgTelling YOUR Story: SOULCollage® (November 3 & March 9) is a unique opportunity to create a series of cards that speak to one's personality, dreams, and acceptance of self. Artists use images (no words!) to convey messages and feelings. The production of the collage is to reaffirm peacefulness and allow artists a time to explore their creativity!


Creating Wellness SeriesART of Daily Living (November 10 & April 13) is a workshop designed to create colorful artwork within a supportive community. Don't be afraid to incorporate personal touches during this instructor-led experience! Participants will use out-of-the-box thinking to develop projects using patience and mindfulness.


Telling YOUR Story: SOULCollage® and ART of Daily Living are held at The Charles Taylor Visual Arts Center. Registration is required: https://bit.ly/2mCnnBA