Hampton Coliseum/Hampton Arts Commission
Formed in 2012, this City department manages the day-to-day operation of Hampton Coliseum and Hampton Arts (The American Theatre and The Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center).
Hampton Arts Staff
The American Theatre & Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center
Jody Madaras
Artistic Director
Kelsey Rozier
Arts Administration Manager
Arts Education Manager
Assistant Arts Education Manager
David Vandervliet
Production Manager
Diana L. Blanchard Gross
Visual Arts Center Manager
Cody Latpakdy
Assistant Visual Arts Center Manager
Visual Arts Center Assistants
Joy Wike
Lyn Dowling
Lindsey Kincaid
Front of House Managers
Shelly Shakur
Lauren Paine
Kayla Johnson
Terri Vander Vennet
Director Hampton Coliseum/Hampton Arts
Charlie Gardner
Deputy Director, Operations and Events
Valerie Clanton
Assistant Director, Finance and Administration
Rich Best
Senior Production Manager
Patti Peterson
Finance and Administration Manager (Payables/HR/Procurement)
Annette Crocker
Account Clerk III
Jackie Browning
Account Clerk II (Payables/Revenue)
Finance Manager (Accounts Receivable)
Rebecca Hansen
Marketing Manager
Namoni Pugh
Assistant Marketing Manager
Assistant Marketing Manager
Valerie Ann Hill
Box Office Manager
Michele Davis
Assistant Box Office Manager
Assistant Box Office Manager
Micah Garner
Assistant Director, Facilities & Operations
Stanley Webb
Food and Beverage Manager
Brian Ayotte
Assistant Food and Beverage Manager
Hampton Commission on the Arts
Established in December 1987, this Hampton City Council appointed 13-member citizens board acts in an advisory capacity to the Council to promote further development and awareness of artistic and cultural programs in the City and to provide a coordinated method of City support of cultural organizations and programs.
Robert A. Boester
Alice J. Capehart
Brian D. DeProfio, City Manager Representative
Courtney Q. Hampton
Hope L. Harper
Martha M. Mugler
Dianne B. Suber
Tekey Wallace
Dr. Karen T. Ward, Chair
Aiya L. Williams
Hampton Arts Foundation
The Hampton Arts Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization created in 1994 as the non-profit arm to support Hampton Arts. The Foundation has completed two successful capital campaigns in the past ten years to renovate, rebuild and expand the Theatre and upgrade the galleries.
Board Members
David Bowen, President
Denine Miller, Vice President
Dana Gray, Secretary
Hansford Post, Treasurer
Steven Hussell, Immediate Past President
Sheryl Crawley
Karen Spaulding
Merle Rivas
Mark Duncan
Martha Mugler
Dr. Karen Ward
The Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center Board of Trustees
In 1987, the Charles H. Taylor Memorial Library closed when the City of Hampton built the expanded Hampton Public Library right next door. After careful renovation and adaptation and adhering to the guidelines set forth in Mrs. Armstrong’s bequest, the historic building re-opened in January 1989 as The Charles H. Taylor Arts Center. The estate of Mrs. Armstrong owns the building and leases it to the City of Hampton which manages the day-to-day operations through the department of Hampton Coliseum/Hampton Arts Commission.
Debbie Scott, President |
The Honorable Douglas E. Miller |
Richard M. Bagley, Jr. |
Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Superintendent Hampton City Schools |
Sheryl Crawley |
The Honorable Christopher W. Hutton |